HaHa~~~ A perfect position for me on last night. Start all the cooking and cleaning work from 4pm till 1:30am. I'm very tired after that but very enjoyed, the only thing is I didn't take photos on the BBQ night. *sob sob*
Guess how smart am I??? I fried the rice without salt(means tasteless loh), I marinated the chicken but tasteless also, I cooked the spaghetti but doesn't look nice and I boiled the mushroom sauce but sour!!!
OMG... What happen to me??? I don't know how to cook already or something wrong to my tongue??? Only the sotong and orange juice are nice. Even my mama said the sausage is salty but I didn't marinated it.
Is time to work out on my cooks already. I can cook, I know how to cook, is TRUTH~~~ Anyway, I will prove it again and do stay tuned with me. Chef Joanne will be back in 'a short while'. Wakaka... =D
Thanks for everyone who coming to the party and I do wish you all enjoy all the things. Special to IHTM 8, I love you guys very much cause you all are my only best buddy at KDU. For all my dears and darlings, you all are great in my life. =)
Why i need to do all the clean up works??? I have only 1 maid at home now, not same as last time. Some more this maid very noob de so better I do all the works loh. I promised my mama will make the house like usual after the party. =D
Finally I slept at 4am and wake up at 6:25am because my mama scold the maid for being late. After I wake up, I clean up again for the last part then went out to his house to sleep dead. HaHa~~~ I'm so piggy at his house. =p
From 8:30am sleep till 1:06pm, he even buy me breakfast cause he thought I can eat when I wake up, he need to go Kuantan to work but end up his work cancel so he back home and wake me up to eat the 'breakfast'. So happiness~~~ =D
Is time to off cause raining soon. Bye all... Later have big family dinner, tomorrow going to straighten my hair, yam cha with Dear Nicole and Monday work. I love my life, I love my family and I love YOU.